Ever Surf Lightpaper. Part1

Ever Surf
3 min readMar 21, 2022




The Microsoft company was the first one who introduced an idea of the modern user interface. Their Windows 3.1 brought a revolution to user experience: despite how technologically advanced and frightening computers may seem, everyone can use them. Then, the Apple company launched iOS and took this idea to a new level. And today, modern banking applications continue proving the relevance of this idea.

In the late ’90s and early ’00s, along with the industry snowballing growth and the Internet spreading into the people’s daily lives, the need for mass adaptation of information technologies has also increased. Those companies who understood how the importance of making a clear interface could win the market competition and get ahead. The splendid success came to those who developed an intuitive user interface that helps to perform the necessary actions and leaves technical details “under the hood”. Now the same challenge is facing the modern crypto industry.

The blockchain technology launched in 2009 was a kind of technological experiment. Who can predict that by the beginning of 2022, blockchain technology will grow into a 2 trillion market? But still it’s less than 1% of the total population who are familiar with cryptocurrencies [5]. So we can say that blockchain is still looking for its niche in the modern world, trying many options and conducting a huge number of experiments. There is no doubt that it is already on the verge of mass introduction into people’s daily lives. And the pioneers who reveal the possibilities of blockchain are finance and the gaming industries.

What hampers the spreading of the blockchain technologies? Why do blockchain products remain difficult for ordinary people to get with? We can name some reasons for it. First, there are a vast variety of cryptocurrencies and technology platforms and they all suggest complicated UX/UI experience, no unified approach to interact with blockchains exists. And, as a consequence, it’s difficult for users to choose one product among this variety because they can count only on their own strength assessing the quality of a certain product.

Second, reports of fraud or hacking of individual products scared people and undermined trust in the entire blockchain industry. As well as, the inability to cancel the transaction only increases the cost of the error. All these factors cause distrust which prevent mass implementation of blockchain in people’s daily life.

On the other side, not only do users face difficulties, the blockchain service providers also do. For the same reasons, they don’t get the user audience they could. Despite the variety of products, the number of services provided remains scarce, and it turns out to be extremely difficult for the users to adapt to the new interface and new experience. As a result, the advantages of a particular product often stay unclaimed.

We are sure that the key to launching the convenient interaction between the user and the service provider lives in a clear and bold UI/UX approach. Mass implementation of the product isn’t possible without using their previous user experience. But maybe the time has come for the evolution of the user experience in the blockchain field?

Part2. Everscale



Ever Surf

ever.surf — the most trusted blockchain Browser built on high-speed Everscale network for Web 3 : DeFi and NFT